cabang usaha bahasa Inggris
- cabang: branch; branches; offshoot; subsidiary; bough;
- usaha: achievement; effort; endeavor; exertion;
- cabang: branch; branches; offshoot; subsidiary; bough; divergence; fork; limb; subdivision; confluence; offset; leg; branching; meeting; arm; spin-off; outgrowth; knot; affiliate; forking; ramification; for
- usaha: achievement; effort; endeavor; exertion; voluntar; attempt; attempted; enterprise; go; shot; show; try; venture; endeavour; undertaking; business; work; project; stand firm; labor; test; enterprisin
- cabang-cabang ilmu: branches of science
- usaha-usaha pengendalian: control efforts
- bercabang-cabang: separate; divide; dissever; carve up; break open; ramify; fork; break; branch; cleave; part; rive; burst; furcate; break up; split; split up
- cabang akustik: acoustic branch; acoustics branch
- cabang akustis: acoustical branch
- cabang arus: branch conductor
- cabang astronomi: astronomy subfields
- cabang bank: bank branch
- cabang biologi: branches of biology
- cabang falsafah: branches of philosophy
- cabang filsafat: branches of philosophy
- He had a chain of Dry cleaning stores.
Dia memiliki beberapa cabang usaha Laundry. - And, a few dry cleaning stores also.
Dan beberapa cabang usaha Laundry. - 1999 – British Aerospace agrees to acquire the defence subsidiary of the General Electric Company plc, forming BAE Systems in November 1999.
1999 - British Aerospace sepakat untuk mengakuisisi cabang usaha pertahanan dari General Electric Company, plc.dan membentuk BAE Systems pada November 1999. - The PUPUK team and British Petroleum (LNG Tangguh) are determined to work harder in this third year for the opening of business branches in Sorong City in March....Readmore
Tim PUPUK dan British Petroleum (LNG Tangguh) bertekad untuk lebih bekerja keras di tahun ketiga ini untuk pembukaan cabang usaha di Kota Sorong bulan Maret ....Readmore - Frasers Hospitality, a member of Frasers Property Group, is a global hospitality operator with Gold-Standard serviced apartments, hotel residences and boutique lifestyle hotels across Australia, Southeast Asia, North Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and the UK.
Frasers Hospitality, cabang usaha Frasers Centrepoint Limited di bidang perhotelan, merupakan operator serviced residence global dengan residence Berstandar Emas di seluruh Eropa, Asia Utara, Asia Tenggara, Timur Tengah dan Australia. - It worked! Her turnover began to rise and the business started to grow, so much so that she could afford to buy a home and a kiosk. Lisa has now opened two business branches and three clothing outlets around Pangkalpinang in Bangka Belitung.
Terbukti, omzetnya meningkat, usahanya tumbuh, hingga ia mampu membeli rumah dan kios. Saat ini Lisa telah membuka dua cabang usaha dan tiga gerai toko pakaian di sekitar Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung.